Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back on 2011

I apologize for the length of this post but the subject kind of necessitates it being so...

1. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions for 2011? And, will you make more for this year?
All that I can really say on this matter is that I could have done better than I did... But I improved at least a little bit. And in the end, that's all that matters. I am so excited about my resolutions for this year! Instead of dreading all of the work that I've got to do, I'm trying to focus on my possible end-result. At the end of this year, I'm going to happier, wiser, and super fit! Bring it on!

2. What did you do in 2011 that you've never done before?
I'm no longer VL. Enough said...

3. What's something crazy you did this year?
I jumped off of a bridge into a river. So fun! That was the first crazy thing that my awesome roommate Rachel got me to do this year. It honestly took me twenty minutes to work up the courage. But, oh boy was it worth it!

4. What is something you cried about this year?
Leaving my best friend in Provo while I moved to Rexburg.

5. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I don't think I really had any serious illnesses this year... I never really do. But my lack of sleep during school definitely made me more susceptible to colds. And, I did suffer a partially-torn Achilles tendon, Patellar Tendinitis, and stress fractures in both my feet and my right shin. Actually, the shin might have been last year... I'm losing track.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you didn't have in 2011?
A six-pack. It's going to happen!

7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched on your memory forever and why?
Obviously, May 26th, the day of my graduation from Timpview High School will never be forgotten. What a crazy/awesome/sad/exciting day! And, June 20th, I went on an awesome trip to Goblin Valley with all of my best friends! And, September 7th. The day that I moved away from home.

8. What was your biggest achievement this year?
I finished my first semester of college with 17 credits alive and with passing grades! For a while, I didn't think I could. Learning to balance everything in my life was a lot harder than I anticipated. Between classes, studying, cooking, cleaning, partying, and sleeping, I had a lot to figure out. Let's just say if one category suffered the most, it was sleeping. I didn't do very much of that this semester... Maybe one of my resolutions for this New Year should be to get more sleep...

9. What was your biggest failure?
My biggest failure this year was probably my grades... Like I said, I passed all of my classes. But I think that if I had partied a little less and slept a lot more, I could have done a lot better.

10. What is one adventure you had this year?
My biggest adventure this year will probably end up being one of the biggest adventures of my life. I packed up my room, moved 289 miles away from my family, and started my first semester of college at Brigham Young University Idaho.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Tough question... Right now, I'm just thinking of my new winter coat because it's sitting right in front of me. But, it is pretty awesome. I decided that I better invest in something like that considering I live in Rexburg now.

12. Where did most of your money go?
Tuition and rent. No doubt about it. But, it's been totally worth it!

13. What did you get really excited about?
The midnight showing of the last-ever Harry Potter movie. The Deathly Hallows part 2. I dressed up, waited in line for 8 hours, and cried when it was over. The whole burrito!

14. What song will always remind you of 2011?
Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. It definitely wasn't my favorite song of the year. But, it will for sure remind me of 2011 and all my party-rockin' with dear Steph Tidwell and all my other awesome friends!

15. Compared to this time last year are you:
Happier or sadder? Happier for sure! Though I've had a few sad things happen and occasionally give in to my pessimistic tendencies, I've really tried to be a more optimistic person. And it's been an awesome year!
Thinner or fatter? It depends on how you look at it... I weigh less. But, in my eyes, I look like I weigh more. Sticking with my optimistic attitude here, we'll say thinner!
Richer or poorer? Definitely poorer. I moved away from my parents and their pay-checks and all of my money is going towards school. But, I'm richer in wisdom! Haha

16. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Reading. I read so much over the summer and then I just kind of quit when school started.

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Complaining. I'm really bad at that. I can always find something to complain about. But, like I said before, I'm working on it.

18. How did you spend Christmas?
I spent Christmas at home with my family. It was an amazing Christmas and it was great to be home!

19. What was your favorite TV show?
I'll just tell you now. I stink at picking favorites. But, this year I really liked Doctor Who, Bones, Psych, and 24.

20. What were your favorite books of the year?
Even though I didn't read as much as I wished, I read so many good books this year! One of my favorites was The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy. I also loved Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card and Elantris by Brandon Sandersen.

21. What was your favorite music from this year?
I sort of became obsessed with music this year. I loved discovering new songs and artists while still listening to my favorite oldies. My favorite artists from this year were Brenden James, Brandon Flowers, Fictionist (amazing live!), Foster the People, Sting, and Chicago. Really, I just love music all together! I even learned to like a few rap songs...

22. What were your favorite films of the year?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 obviously. I also loved Water for Elephants. The Muppets Movie was also fantastic. My dad's side of the family all went to see it together at Thanksgiving and we were rolling in laughter the whole time. Also, it has a pretty great soundtrack.

23. What did you do on your birthday? How old were you?
This birthday (my 18th) was pretty fantastic! I started the day by going horse-back riding with Steph, Jacob, and Matthew and ended it with the sweetest and most amazing surprise party.

24. What was one of your favorite memories from this year?
One of my favorite things to do this past year (which brought on my favorite memories) was horse-back riding with my BFF Steph. Seriously. She's such a doll. And, riding on the back of one of the most beautiful animals in the middle of gorgeous mountains and meadows with her is quite fantastic. I adore her. And my horse.

25. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I'm not really sure... I've felt like it's been a pretty good year... Maybe more sleep??

26. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Haha, I don't really have a concept of personal fashion.

27. What kept you sane?
My best friend.

28. What is a valuable life-lesson you learned in 2011?
Sometimes, you have to just let things go. Nobody is perfect. And, at the end of the day, most of your mistakes don't matter that much anyways. So, just forgive yourself, forget it, and do better tomorrow!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 1- Hard to Say I'm Sorry

For some reason, I love listening to this song when I'm feeling down. I absolutely love it. 

"Everybody needs a little time away.
I heard her say, 
From each other.
Even lovers need a holiday. 
Far away, from each other.

Hold me now
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to stay
After all that we've been through
I will make it up to you
I promise to.

And after all that's been said and done, 
You're just the part of me I can't let go."

This is one of my absolute favorite songs.
Hard to Say I'm Sorry by Chicago on Grooveshark

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thank you for the music!!

This post and my share of the song below probably seems quite random right now. But, before you press the "X" in the corner of your browser and move on to better things, try reading just a little bit more. 

Thank You for the Music by ABBA on Grooveshark

Here is the reason I am sharing this lovely song from ABBA: This year for Christmas my younger sister, Alexis, received an iPod and she asked me to do the honors of loading music on to it for her. As I was going through the 8,224 songs in my iTunes library and  was asking her what music she would like, I began to be quite impressed with her knowledge of many artists and songs. I was also pleased to find out that her favorite songs weren't from artists like Justin Bieber or Selena Gomez, but Billy Joel, Chicago, Duran Duran, The Beatles, Nat King Cole, and Dean Martin. As I sat there, marveling at her cute little face and her excellent taste in music, I began to mourn for all those in the world who only know the mainstream garbage that is played on the radio. Okay, that may be a little harsh. There are some excellent songs that get played on the radio regularly. However, those that only listen to what the radio gives them, they're missing out on some quality music. Seriously. And, I think that's sad. I can honestly say that my quality of life would be greatly decreased if I had never heard some of the songs that I have. When I was younger, my Dad tried to raise me well when it came to music. So, every Christmas for a while, he would make me a CD with music that honestly ranged from Luciano Pavarotti to Enrique Iglesias. And I am so glad that he did. So, this week (except for the days I am at my family reunion) and maybe next week too (depending on how busy my first week back to school it), I am going to share a song every day, all from different bands/artists. I want to share some of the joy that I have gotten from clicking "shuffle" in my iTunes library or just letting Pandora loose with one of my 42 stations. Be prepared to fall in love with some quality tunes over the next week!! 

Also, a little side-note, if you really want to be instructed on quality music, you should talk to Jeremy Sherman. What a man. And, a man with an awesome playlist!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Ahhh!! Oh my beautiful!

Let me just say this: Harry Potter years one through eight. That is all.

Thank you Santa!! (Aka- Mom and Dad)

Wise men still seek Him.

What a great Christmas message! Please watch!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life's a happy song...

... when there's someone by my side to sing along.

Thanks for reminding me of this Mayson :) And by the way everyone, this movie was quite fantastic.

Friday, December 9, 2011

"Festival of beauty"

Two days ago, I posted about a post that Matt (Please do yourself a favor and click on the link and read it. It's worth the 5 minutes) made on his blog about women's natural beauty and a challenge that he gave girls to go one day a week without wearing make-up. At first thought, I decided Matt was crazy. But, after more consideration, I thought it might be kind of a fun thing to try. Even if I feel way better about myself when I'm wearing make-up and hate going places without it, I realized there could be some benefits. (Like, learning not to freak out when I wake up 3 minutes before I need to be somewhere and don't have time to do anything) It's healthy for your skin, you'd save a little bit of time one day a week, and you'll start to notice your already-beautiful features so you can enhance them instead of hide them with your make-up. Really though, I don't want to take Matt's challenge just to learn to deal with myself when I'm ugly. I want to learn to appreciate my natural beauty. So, here goes! One day a week! You should join me!!

When I told Matt I was accepting his challenge, he told me that I  needed
 to post on my blog about my "festival of beauty" (hence, the title of this post).
So, here's day 1 without make-up!

"Do you girls think you look ugly if it's a sweat-pants, hair-up, no make-up kind of day? Well I have got news for you... You all still have the same beautiful eyes, same beautiful smiles, and same beautiful personalities... I believe that to be beautiful, it's more about what is on the inside of you rather than the outside... make the inside of you beautiful. Be the best person you can be and that will make you more beautiful than any make-up product the industry can throw at you."
--Matthew Woodruff

"The gospel teaches us that true beauty is more than skin-deep. A young woman whose countenance is aglow with both happiness and virtue radiates inner beauty... If happiness is the most attractive accessory a young woman can have, then a smile would have to be the most charming cosmetic. Make-up, if applied tastefully and in moderation, can enhance appearance. But no amount of eye shadow, lipstick, or mascara could possibly compete with the natural attractiveness of a genuine smile. It brightens the room. It cheers others. It communicates friendship, love, and optimism so much more than any cosmetic ever could. It puts people at ease and is welcoming. Truly in the world of glamour, there is no close second to a genuine smile."
--President Thomas S. Monson

Also, here's another little tidbit form Ilene Beckerman (I have no idea who she is):
"When I was your age... I wish I'd known that I already had everything I needed within myself to be happy, instead of looking for happiness at beauty counters."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Simply incredible.

This is video is of possibly the best proposal I've ever seen/watched/read about/heard of. Please watch it!! It will make your day!

P.S. To my future husband: I would never in a million years expect something extravagant like that. It's just cute :)


Today, as I read a post on Matt's blog and showed it to my roommate Cheri (both of us were pretty much dying at our desire to hide Matt from the rest of the women in the world), it reminded her of a picture she saw online that entirely agrees with the point Matt was making (Though I still may not...). Enjoy! :)

SO TRUE!!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What a great place to rest your bones

Today Ben, and Jeff, and I went on a short little fishing trip to Warm River and it was a blast!!

"Well, now, take down your fishin' pole and meet me at The Fishin' Hole, 
We may not get a bite all day, but don't you rush away.
What a great place to rest your bones and mighty fine for skippin' stones, 
You'll feel fresh as a lemonade, a-settin' in the shade.
Whether it's hot, whether it's cool, oh what a spot for whistlin' like a fool.
What a fine day to take a stroll and wander by The Fishin' Hole, 
I can't think of a better way to pass the time o' day."
-- The Andy Griffith Show

Thursday, December 1, 2011

the 1st of december

Today is a very exciting day. Many of you already know why today is so special, but some of you are in the dark. So let me enlighten you! Today is the first day of December! Today is the day that all of those scrooges who hate Christmas music can officially be forced to give in. Today is the day that you start to feel that special spirit in the air that sends tremors of excitement through your whole body. The day that all of the little kids really start to get to work making their lists for Santa and start lining up in the malls for a chance to sit on his lap. The day that families start putting up their Christmas trees and lights and that little towns start to be able to be seen glowing in red and green from satellites in space. Today is the day that random Santa-impersonators start showing up at the front doors of Walmart and asking for money for various charities. Today is the day that seeing cute couples walking the streets wearing mittens and hats and holding hands suddenly gives you too much joy to be normal. Today is the day that starts "Ugly Christmas Sweater Thursdays". Today is the day that adorable little families can be seen in their front yards making their own little version of Frosty the Snowman. Today is the day that snow transitions from being a pesky annoyance on the road only out to make you wreck your car and freeze your tail off to being a lovely reminder of the Christmas season. Today is the day that the Christmas season officially starts!!! Honestly!?! Can you not feel that excitement?! I can!

This Christmas season is going to be a little bit different for me. There's still going to be the abundance of Christmas music, ugly sweaters, presents, and snow. But, this year I'm adding something more. All my life, my parents tried to always remind my of the true spirit of Christmas and of what the whole season is really about. But sometimes it just slipped through the cracks. So, this year, I am going to do my best to remember that Christmas is really supposed to be about our Savior Jesus Christ and His birth. I couldn't be there at the time of His birth to give Him a gift of gold or silver. But, I can give him the gift of caring for his children. I am going to try to make this Christmas less about receiving and more about giving to others. Because, Christ himself said, "when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God". I have made a goal to do something extra, big or small, to help someone around me and to make their Christmas just a little bit brighter. I know that doing this will, in turn, make my Christmas better. (Which is hard. Because I already absolutely love Christmas and everything about it!)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hold on to him.

"He's not perfect. You're not either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold on to him and give him the most you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he's not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don't hurt him, don't change him, and don't expect more than he can give. Don't analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he's not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don't exist, but there's always one guy that is perfect for you." -- Bob Marley

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving with the fam!

I loved being home with my family for Thanksgiving!! It was so good to spend time with my parents and my little sisters and just to be home. I am so glad that I'm going to be home again in only 3 weeks! I can't wait!!!
Here are a couple pictures I took while we were working in the kitchen getting dinner ready:


He said, she said

Being able to see my friends this past week while I was home for Thanksgiving was so fantastic! I knew that I missed them but being back with them made me realize what I was really missing. It was such a blast! I don't think anyone can match such an awesome group of people. I love all of them so much and am so glad that we still get together occasionally and mess around just like old times!
My mom took some stalker pictures of us laughing our guts out while playing he said/she said and if/then... And her photography skills are somewhat lacking. But I kind of love them!

Just laughing really hard. As usual.

Honestly, this picture quality sucks. But, I love this photo!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Beautiful Disaster

Once upon a time, long ago, Andrew posted this video on his blog and I fell in love with it. Last night, Ray and I were talking and something she said reminded me of it and I wanted to share it. So, here it is :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Iron Chef

Last night, for FHE, we competed in our apartment complex's Iron Chef. The 'secret ingredient' was fruit. Lot's of it. We had apples, kiwi, watermelons, and grapes. Our 'family' made crepes with a delicious sour cream and brown sugar sauce and homemade whipped cream, candied almonds for on top, and a fruit smoothie. I'm not really sure if any of it really tasted that great but our presentation was pretty awesome. We made a hula girl out of a kiwi and apples. And, the fruit smoothie was in the hollowed out watermelon in the middle. Admit it. Pretty sweet.

The fam.
Ignore the fact that our hula girl is missing half her coconut bra...

Friday, November 11, 2011

Every day.

All that I can say is, I'm glad to know that I can always call my mom and tell her what's on my mind even though I live so far away and we can't talk in person. Even when it's 12:30 AM... Yeah... I love you Mom! Thanks for always maintaining your role as a mother and still being my best friend! I love you!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Daddy, I love you.

So, basically, this post is about how much I love my Dad. (Yes,  I know it's not Father's Day). I have always loved my Dad. He's my best friend. But, since I moved up here to this frozen university, I've realized more and more how much I miss him. I miss punching him in the gut when he got home from work. I miss teasing him about his swiss-cheese t-shirt. I miss laughing with (at) him while we watch School of Rock together. I miss teasing about him being an old man and having a daughter old enough to be in college. I miss being able to run to him every time I wanted my back popped or my neck adjusted. I miss his mastery of the culinary arts and being able to eat his delicious Papa Stew or whatever else he cooked up on any given night. I miss our fly-fishing outings and the times that I almost caught his eyebrow with my line. I miss wrestling with him until my mom started yelling from the kitchen "You guys! You need to stop it before someone gets hurt!!" and completely ignoring her until we both really regret it. I miss coming home from a friend's house late and being scared out of my pants when he jumped out from behind the counter in the kitchen. I miss already being in bed and then running downstairs to give my adorable Pops a hug and a kiss goodnight.

This is a little tribute to the times my dad has played with me or done things with me that may not have been his activity of choice. Okay, let's be honest. It's the other way around. I always went fishing and camping with him instead of him sitting down for me to paint his fingernails. But, that's the way we both wanted it! I just like this video anyways.
Basically, my Dad is awesome and I love him!!! Oh! And, he has a blog. Read it. If you like or are familiar with Prairie Home Companion by Garrison Keillor, you'll love it!! Check it out here! I love you Daddy!!! I miss you!

Friday, November 4, 2011

New favorite snack? You bet!

Whole-grain Wheat Thins with roasted garlic hummus. Absolutely, undeniably delicious. Also try: Replace the Wheat Thins with Triscuts and add freshly sliced tomatoes. 

P.S. Happy 100th post on Here Comes the Sun!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Enough said.

Haha! This is great!                                                                                                                                                                                

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

a day early...

So, Halloween has never been my favorite holiday... But, I think my fingernails alone are going to make me enjoy it this year.

My roommate, Courtney, did these for me. Awesome!
On Wednesday night, I went to a straw maze with a bunch of friends. It was so fun! But, I didn't know before I went that it was haunted... Yeah. But, it was still a ton of fun!
Haunted straw maze.

Lauren and I were bored... It's almost Halloween :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

There's a still in the street outside your window.

I'm pretty sure I've posted about Brandon Flowers before and about how I absolutely love him and his music. I really do! I love the way I feel when I listen to his stuff! It's awesome! It just makes me happy! Anyways, I just found out (don't think I'm dumb if this is general knowledge) that he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I already loved him but it just made him that much cooler! In this "I'm a Mormon Video" (I love those. A lot.) he talks about how he is able to maintain his standards even while living the life of a rock star. Watch it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The shopping list of a girl in college just doing her best

Yesterday was my first real step in getting ready for my "healthy living plan" (this is not about weight-loss). Rachel and I went grocery shopping for the first time since we came home for conference. Let's just say, there was a world of difference between our shopping cart this trip and our last. These are some of the things that were on our shopping list.

  • bell-peppers
  • Dole salad mixes
  • romaine lettuce
  • tomatoes
  • sunflower seeds
  • freshly sliced, home-style turkey
  • whole-grain flat bread
  • light raspberry vinaigrette  
  • V-8 vegetable fusion and V-8 splash
  • Campbell's tomatoes and chicken-noodle soups
  • apples
  • skim milk
  • peppermint herbal tea
  • nutty grain bread
  • grape-fruit
  • broccoli
  • honey
  • Yoplait yogurt
The next week is going to be great! Salad for breakfast, flat bread wrap and yogurt with granola for lunch, and salad for dinner. Mom, are you proud??

Check out my fridge. That just looks healthy!
This was my breakfast this morning. YUM! (Seriously. There was no sarcasm there.)

Lettuce, whole-grain flat bread, and my thoughts on the freshman fifteen.

Can I say something? Grocery shopping and spending tons of money on food is so much more enjoyable when you know you're buying things that are good for you! Buying fruits and veggies and whole-grain flat bread is so much more satisfying than those big bags of the frosted animal cookies that were in mine and Rachel's cart last shopping trip. I promised myself at the beginning of the semester that the "freshman fifteen" was not even a possibility in my life. But, let's just say that until recently I hadn't been doing a good job making that a reality. However, coming home from General Conference marked a new beginning. I'm going to be faithful in eating right. Not because I think I'm fat or that I'm on my way there necessarily but because eating good feels good! All the things that I daily read in my Runner's World magazines and health articles online I am actually going to apply now. I'm actually really excited about this! Between eating super healthy and working out every day with Rachel, I am going to feel good! You should all join me! Everyone should eat healthy and exercise because everyone deserves to feel good!

Also, you can probably expect a lot of posts similar to this for the next while. I am seriously excited about this and will probably post about new work-outs or new healthy-food recipes I'm trying. It's going to be fun! But, never fear. There will still be posts about me doing dumb things like jumping off bridges or about my newest toe-nail polish adventures.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Livin' on the wild side

I feel like a wild child. I have red nail-polish on my fingers and zebra stripes on my toes... Also, I slept through one of my classes this morning... What's happening to me?
Yes. I agree. Feet are gross. But, look at my toenail polish!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rain drops falling on my head

All put together, Campbell's chicken noodle soup, fuzzy slippers, Norah Jones, and rain pounding on my window, equal a very good day.                                                            

I'm Goin' Home

This past weekend my roommate Rachel and I drove home for General Conference. Oh man! I am so glad that I got to go visit my family and friends that I have been missing like crazy. Coming back to Rexburg was a lot easier after I got a little refresher time with everyone. I realized on the way to Provo that I had brought my camera but not the charger so forgive me for only having this one picture from my phone... I really had such a great weekend though. Driving there and back was a blast partying in the car with Rachel. We spent most of our time laughing at each other or listening to our favorite songs over and over. Seeing my little sisters and parents was so good too! I missed them so much. And, getting back together with all my friends was awesome. I almost forgot that we were all in college and that we never actually see each other. It was so much fun to spend a night chilling with them. And, of course, General Conference was fantastic! I'll probably post more thoughts on that later. Also, I got my hair cut. I feel a little less positive about that event from the weekend but, it's not anywhere near as bad as it could be!

This is my one picture from the weekend :)
Even if you can't tell, I cut 3 or so inches off my hair.
If you didn't get a chance to watch General Conference yet, you should watch it here.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

...that's what I have been trying to tell myself all day as I've been stressing about life in general, slaving away at my online Anatomy and Physiology homework, and trying to survive a brutal cold. That's why I was finding creative ways such as the above photo to cheer myself up. But, never fear! Tomorrow at this time, I'll be at home!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sanctify Yourselves

Though this video was not of an experience that is my own or that I personally witnessed, it reminded me of experiences that I have had and it strengthened my testimony of the priesthood. I am so grateful that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and that I can partake of the blessings of the priesthood. I am also grateful for the worthy priesthood holders in my life and for the effort that they make to use their priesthood to bless their lives and my own.

Monday, September 19, 2011

For Your Love

My roommate showed me this song the other day when we were driving to Walmart and I think I've listened to it literally 30 times since. I absolutely love it!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Monkey Bridge

This morning, my roommate Rachel and I went "bridge jumping" with two guys, Jared and Brian, from our ward. Oh man! It was so much fun! The place that we went to was called Monkey Bridge (over the Snake River I believe... Correct me if I'm wrong). Basically, we just jumped off the bridge into the water. It was so much fun but the water was freezing cold! I swam in the water but it took me a while to get up the courage to jump off. But, I am so glad I did! It was such a thrill! Here are some sweet pictures that we got.

Monkey Rocks

We all jumped. Mission accomplished.