Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You Should Know Better

This is a great song. My Andy Grammer station has suddenly jumped to the position of "most listened to" on Pandora and it's sorta freaking me out because my Brandon Flowers/Brendan James station has held that position for quite a long time. I'm having somewhat of an identity crisis. But, I'll get over it. Anyways, listen to this song because it's great.
"You should know better than that
And before you go on breaking my heart and I fall even deeper in love 
And my lungs screaming out
"can you hear me?!"
You should know better than that 
And here we are, here we are, ohhh
Here we are, here we are again

Some forgive just to forget
I've not forgotten yet
I still believe in you
But there's a crack in our cement
This time it's permanent, permanent"
--Andy Grammer

You Should Know Better by Andy Grammer on Grooveshark

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you, Shea-Bay.