Sunday, January 30, 2011


Tenderness of heart which disposes a person to overlook error

Mercy is beautiful. It is generosity, kindliness, and grace. It is a blessing. It is every blessing. It is a newborn baby held in a mother's loving arms. It is a warm place to sleep on a cold, winter night. It is a rainbow after a storm. Mercy is our Savior, "sorrowful...unto death" (Matt. 26:38), suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. It is the sacrifice that He made on our behalf, that we may return to live with Him and our Father in Heaven. It is the final moments of His, our Savior Jesus Christ's life when He cried, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) Mercy is love. 

"Mercy is of the very essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The degree to which each of us is able to extend it becomes an expression of the reality of our discipleship under Him who is our Lord and Master...He, the Son of the everlasting Father, was the epitome of mercy. ...His sacrifice on the cross was an unparalleled act of mercy in behalf of all humanity"
Gordon B. Hinckley, Blessed are the Merciful

"And thus He shall bring salvation to all those who shall believe on his name; this being the intent of this last sacrifice, to bring about the bowels of mercy, which overpowereth justice, and bringeth about means unto men that they may have faith unto repentance. And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety..." 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Patience Continued

This post's purpose is simply to bring your intention to this week's scripture of the week because I thing it goes along great with this week's word.

Monday, January 24, 2011


the quality of bearing offences without anger or revenge;
trusting the timetables of the Lord

I believe that patience is one of the most important qualities a human being may possess. If one has patience, everything else in life seems just a little bit easier. Weeks spent waiting to find a job and where grocery money is running low don't seem as long, far-off dreams of a beautiful home and a loving family aren't so far away, and years spent widowed and lonely can be more bearable, if only we rely on the Lord and have patience in his intentions.  I hope that I can do better on this in my own life and know that any person who is willing to work on it will find that it makes a difference in all areas of life.

"...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12:1-3

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I love Running!

Once upon a time, there was me. I was lazy and boring. Then, I joined cross-country, the love of my life. The end. I love to run! Really, I LOVE it. Today, after a couple weeks of doing homework (and, maybe a little bit of my laziness was returning) I went on a lovely little run. I didn't go very far but where I went was beautiful still the same. Since I moved and the cross-country season ended, most of the time I go running, it's up in the mountains or along the river. What beauty! I am very blessed to live where I do. But, today, I was able to recognize the beauty in town too. Running through the Tree Streets is quite a treat. Running is always a treat, but through Oak Hills is even more fantastic. Side note: as I was running up around the temple, I stopped just to look for a little bit. I could see me in my neon orange t-shirt reflected in the upper windows. I look forward to the day when I can really be inside (not wearing my orange t-shirt). I am so grateful for the temple and the blessings that it brings to my life.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


This week, as I was struggling through the end of the term, I was very grateful that this week's word was "peace". I noticed the difference as I tried to think of it as I worked. Hopefully, this upcoming week's word will be equally as fitting.
Wisdom: the exercise of sound judgement, 
discerning between truth and error

Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally- a New Year's Resolution

I know that I'm just a little behind schedule but now that my mind is almost clear of end-of-term stress and I have time to catch up on my sleep, I am going to post just a tad about New Years resolutions. Every year before now, my resolutions have been things like "be more responsible and get better grades" or "get in shape (along with 98% of America)" but I want this year to be different. Those goals are great and they are still kind of my side goals. But this year, my main goal is to make one difference in somebody's life every day. I want to brighten other people's days by saying hello or talking to them when they need support, playing with my little sister even when I have homework, letting somebody know that I love them, and sharing with as many people as I can the Light of Christ. I know that as I try to do this, the light that is already within me will get stronger and I will be even more capable of achieving my goals. Happy very late New Year!

Also, you should do me a favor and check this out. My dear little cousin and thousands of others would appreciate it!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dear Bed,

       I love you very much. Seeing you is the best part of my day almost every day. However, I have some bad news. I don't think I'll be able to see you tonight but I promise that I'll be back soon. I promise that I will spend extra time with you after tomorrow and that I won't ever neglect you like this again. But, until the term is over, I am afraid, we are both going to have to make some sacrifices. Until then, I love you bed.

Love, Bronwen

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

50 Word Challenge

Dania is a genius. A couple of days ago, she posted on her blog an amazing YouTube video full of fifty words that "lift, motivate, and inspire". After watching it, she decided that every week this year, she is going to focus on emulating one word from that beautiful YouTube video. I have decided to join her and so should you! For those of you sad souls who do not know of or don't read Dania's blog, I will share with you this wonderful video. 
You should join. It's only one word a week. And think of the difference it could make, not just in your life, but in the lives of the people around you. If you are in, this week's word is "peace".

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hilary Duff...before she went insane

 I love Hilary Duff. I don't so much love the now Hilary Duff and may not have ever really loved her. But, I do love watching her movies/TV show and listening to her music. They bring back good memories. One such movie, A Cinderella Story, is quite adorable. It's one of my favorite chick-flicks for a couple of reasons. 1.The guy-friend is like the cutest guy ever. 2. Not only is it a standard chick-flick, but it is an awesome movie to quote. Here are some examples of some quotes from this hilarious movie. 

"Wanna cookie? moist!".

"There's something I should have told you a long time ago. You're not very pretty, and you're not very bright. I'm so glad we had this talk!"

"You should have stopped with the dirt police"

"A devastating blow...a worthy opponent"

"No Sam, leave those [sprinklers] on"
"But we're in middle of a drought!"
"Droughts are for poor people! People with extra water have extra class. Do you think JLo has a brown lawn?"

"I'm a very appealing person!"
"Yeah, in you're head."

"oh, you still got room in there?"

"Terry? Are you Nomad?"
"Nomad? Indeed. I have traveled through time and space to find you. Now join me in the mating dance of Zion!"

Anyway, that post was mostly for myself but if you haven't seen this wonderful movie, you should. It's definitely worth the occasional cheese.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!

Guess what! It's 2011! Happy New Year! But, guess what else. This isn't a normal new year. It's not just a clean slate, a new beginning, a turned over leaf, or a fresh start. This year is the mark of me moving on. I graduate this year! After three and a half years of chanting "double one, double one, double, double, double one!" at assemblies and random school activities, it's here. High school is almost over! Woooohoooo! I am so excited.
Photo Credit

New found comfort

 As it has probably been noticed through the reading of previous posts, I am a professional exaggerator. I don't only exaggerate funny stories and the size of my fish though. I'm really good at making problems in my life seem a lot bigger than they really are. If, in terms of fish, my problems were the size of a three inch trout, I would claim, even to myself, that they were like a fifteen foot great white shark that somehow made it into the mountain lake that I was fishing in. I think I've got a serious case of fisherman fibs right now. My life is, obviously, not problem free, but it's not as bad as I think it is. However, my Young Women's class at church today, was not any less comforting. My teacher began by having us discuss our favorite qualities about our fathers and continued to tell us the God, is not just God. He's our Father in Heaven. He's not some mysterious being, impossible to understand. He's eternal, unchangeable, and loving. We are His children. He's there for us to go to and talk to, not just in times of need. He wants to hear about our lives and can give us the best advice. She then shared with us this poem. It's a little cheesy but, it's good anyway. 

A Child of Royal Birth, Anna Johnson

I am a child of royal birth;
My Father is king of heaven and earth.
My spirit was born in the courts on high.
A child beloved, a princess am I.

I was nurtured there; I lived by His side
In a home where patience and love abide.
My Mother was there in that glorious place,
Blessing her children with queenly grace.

I grew to the stature that spirits grow;
I gained the knowledge I needed to know.
I was taught the truth and I knew the plan
That God and Christ laid out for man.

I was there when the stars of the morning sang.
My voice was heard when the heavens rang.
I was there to rejoice, to praise, and applaud
And I shouted for joy with the sons of God.

I waited my turn to come to earth.
Through the wonderful channel of human birth.
The curtains were closed and the past was gone.
On the future too, the curtains were drawn.

I came to earth and God willed it so-
With freedom to choose the path I should go.
I must search for the truth; I must serve and obey.
I must walk by faith or fall by the way.

Someday, I will go back; I will answer the call.
I'll return with my record to the Father of all.
The books will be opened and so will my heart,
And there will be rejoicing if I've done my part.

My Father the King with his infinite love
Will welcome me back to the mansions above.
The curtains will part, and eternity
In its light and glory will open to me.

I love the image of God that this poem creates. I know that our Father in Heaven loves us and wants us to be with Him. I want to do all that I can to be close to Him and feel His love.